This is so hot! My jaw dropped open and made myself read slow to soak it in.

When she started to read the letter, my hope of Superman coming was starting to diminish.

"Read this," Burly instructed, holding up a note as he took hold of her left wrist. Shorty wrapped his fingers around her right wrist at the same time
Reading that this man can hold her wrists with one hand shows how strong he is. I panic when I'm restrained even in the safest of situations so this really got to me. Good job! thumbsup

Burly took hold of her ring finger and she let out an involuntary whimper. "No," she whispered, more as a reflex than anything else. The whimper quickly became a moan and then she was screaming...

Perry turned off the television, unable to keep watching. He glanced out the window of his office in time to see Clark coming down the ramp into the newsroom. He knocked on the window, gesturing Clark into his office.
I did a double take to see that we switched to Perry's office. Part of me was relieved to have left that situation. With Perry, I know that something beneficial for Lois will hopefully occur. Well at least I hope that will happen. The other part of me wanted to stay and be with her.

How can anyone go ahead and hurt someone like that? Finger breaking is sooo gross, so painful. Hopefully that is the main worry here (in regards to bodily harm).

He pushed away the possibility that they might have killed her after they had stopped taping. She wasn't dead. He would know it - somehow - if she was dead. Wouldn't he? Wouldn't he feel something that momentous, that life-changing, in his soul?

'Right,' he tortured himself, 'just like you knew when they were torturing her.'
Poor Clark. Don't dwell man. Of course this is Clark so he will go there.

Please find her!

I need more!

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.