Thanks everybody again for your comments. Especially those growly threats. <g> Do I sense a pattern? I'm glad to see that my cliffhanger was effective, and that even Tank approved. <eg> Just wait till you get to the end of part 3...

Jen said:
I'll do your bidding oh master, oh evil one.
Why thank you!! I always love to keep a slave handy. <g>

Laura, I'm glad you liked my primal screams. I didn't know exactly how to write/spell them, so I threw in the neighbors, which seemed to work well.

Alicia, the line you quoted was thought up by my wonderful beta, Sara. Hats off to her for that one. (the typo is mine though, <g>)

Wow, have you been taking 'evil cliffhanger' lessons from various other writers?
No, I haven't, Irene, but if any such evil author wants to provide them, I'd be more than happy to take a lesson or two. <g>

Thanks to Jen, Pam, Meni, Liz, Laura, Anna B, Maria, Merry, Blayne (who can stop screaming like a baby. You have my permission <g>), Tank, Trenna, Tricia, Alicia, Irene, and Barb for your wonderful comments. I swear I've written more since I started posting and go all this encouragement than I ever thought I would.

Part 3 should be up tomorrow or Monday at the latest.


You've gotta be original, because if you're like someone else, what do they need you for?
~Bernadette Peters