I'm sorry for the delay in replying - I just found this tonight (um, morning). I'm so glad you liked it. I know I said it in the author's notes already, but it's worth repeating - my husband came up with both the Adamantium and the melt-the-box trick, and I reacted the same way to the box-melting. "I can't believe I never thought of that!"

I always thought someone like Trask was at least border-line mentally ill in some way due to his casual dismissal of the value of others' lives. And I thought, how much scarier would he be if he was transparently and increasingly psychotic rather than just without a conscience?

I haven't really thought about revisiting this universe... But maybe I should. Hmmmmm...

TicAndToc :o)


"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three."
-Elayne Boosler