/me peeks in cautiously...

um... I know I haven't commented on any of the previous sections, and for most of them I had a good excuse, in that I only just read them all this week. blush But when you posted part 38 I thought I'd check it out (sometimes I like to read the ending first), and, well, I came in on the middle of the hostage-crisis so I wasn't quite exactly sure what was going on, but a Lois with heat-vision talking telepathically to Clark was something I really wanted to know more about, so I went looking for the story's table of contents.

I'm glad I did.

This was a really good story, Janet! In no particular order: I loved that she recognized Superman just as soon as he touched her. This Lois certainly vanquished Claude. Making it look like Kryptonite was radioactive enough to melt lead was *brilliant* and should certainly cut down on future problems. The dialog sparkled throughout. You gave Lois a very sweet Mama -- and don't think I didn't notice when she slipped up later, in a panic about Clark, and said Mama instead of Martha. Very smooth. Very creative move of yours to set Lois up as a superhero who's *not* related to Superman, and who has different powers. Kinetic was a great name... and Kinetic Girl had me giggling helplessly. I guess she should have known she couldn't use an adjective without a noun! goofy

But then there were the really sweet and waffy parts, like the *first* half of this last post... /me sighs contentedly. I just really enjoyed the way you set up and developed their relationship -- even the "crap, we're related?!!?!" side-trip laugh -- and brought us to a Lois secure enough with herself to ask Clark to marry her. Shades of Ultrawoman there, and very fitting.

Overall... it was just the best! And any similiarities of compliments to the name of a certain Kerth award are *entirely* non-coincidental. wink

Now hurry up and get this on the archive, so I can re-read it!


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K