Okay - I'm back! smile And here is some real FDK.

And I look up from him, and right beside him is this fairy grandmother sort of granny, the kind you'd run to for apple pie or for comfort when you've stubbed your toe.
That was so sweet. smile I love that description!!

I feel wild and crazy, so I wallpaper him with kisses all over his face.
wallpaper him - that was SO cute!!!

We all stiffen. That voice. Talk about commanding. Talk about... talk about....

"BATMAN??!!??" Mom, I and the sheriff scream simultaneously.
Weeee!! Batman! laugh *yay*

Batman. Right. Oh boy. He's standing here, right in front of us. Right in front of me. I mean, how big is he? Is he seven feet tall? Eight? And how wide is that chest? Isn't it against the law to have a chest like that? And those arms... and those thighs... and... and....
AH! Batman is *nothing* compared to Superman. Trust me. wink

The only place where his suit covers him up a bit better is between his legs, because you can't see if, if he, what he, uh, looks like right there, ehhhrrrmmmm....
Better not let her wander in the motivational posters thread!!!

Where is he now? Where is my Dad?
Yeah... come back, Clark! Please?

Batman sighs again. "Well, I'm aquainted with a man who has constructed several advanced props and devices for James Bond movies. He showed me a prototype for a cloaking device, which however wasn't working properly. He gave it to me, and I improved it."
Q! Weee!! smile Desmond Llewelyn, I hope, huh? Not John Cleese? wink

"My anti-dent spray has worked wonders before."
Hilarious!!! Just as funny as their shark-repellent from the old 60's movie. hehehe!

Then there's a knock on the door.
That can't be Clark, can it? He wouldn't knock, right... it's his parent's place... I still hope it's him!!!

Nice part, Ann! I really enjoyed it! laugh

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies