Oh, so sweet, Nan. If you didn't know it already, those funny, WAFFy, darlingly sexy, beautifully all-Lois-and-Clark-in-character B-plot stories are my favorites. And I loved this one!!! rotflol

"Did you just say what I thought I heard you say?" Perry asked.

"Yes," Lois said, fighting the urge to giggle. "Clark Kent and I got married."

"Are you thinkin' the Planet's lawyers might be able to arrange an annulment?" Perry asked. "I'm not sure that's possible, considering the -- uh -- circumstances. Of course, since you weren't in your right minds ...."
Oh, poor Perry, the things he will do for Lois, who's like a daughter to him!!!

"No," Lois said. "We don't want an annulment. What we wanted was for you to arrange for two weeks off for us so we can have our honeymoon."

The coughing at the other end of the line led her to suspect that Perry might have inhaled some of his coffee. "Did I hear you right, honey?" he finally managed to choke out. "Are you sure you're really over the pheromone stuff?"
Awwww - he just can't believe this of Mad Dog Lane....

"We're over it," Lois said. "Clark and I just decided to stop pretending that we weren't -- well, attracted to each other. So --"

"Never mind," Perry said hastily. "You've got two weeks. Congratulations -- I think."
Oh, so funny, all the time!

"Well, he took that better than I expected," Clark said, after he had hung up.

"Perry's a romantic at heart," Lois said. "I guess we're going to have to put up with some ribbing when we get back, though."

"Probably," Clark said. "If we take it with good humor it'll die down pretty fast, though. Nothing is so boring for people to talk about as a normal married couple.
I think it's a very good idea that they are going to be away for two whole weeks. That way Lois, in particular, can get used to being married, and she will be able to meet her colleagues at the Daily Planet without being embarrassed. Anyway, I very much liked the way Lois talked about her marriage to Perry. There was certainly no sign of embarrassment there - not that Perry would tease her, of course.

Ah, but - I loved this story! Thank you, Nan!
