"We haven't seen you in the news for several days," Jonathan's voice said. Her husband must have picked up the extension in the barn.

"Yeah, I know," Clark said. "I've been kind of busy with personal stuff. Lois and I will be dropping by to tell you the whole story, but we wanted to let you know that we're in Hawaii, on our honeymoon. We got married three days ago."

Martha almost dropped the phone. "You did *what*?"
Oh, yeah! That was everything they hoped it would be. It takes a lot to surprise an unflappable gal like Martha, but this would do it.

Perry's voice emerged from the receiver. "Lois? Where the Sam Hill are you? Are you all right? Is Clark with you?"


"What in the name o' Memphis are you doin' there? Or do I want to know?"
And Perry's was just what you would expect, too. Full of bluster and nervous yelling. Perfect.

The coughing at the other end of the line led her to suspect that Perry might have inhaled some of his coffee. "Did I hear you right, honey?" he finally managed to choke out. "Are you sure you're really over the pheromone stuff?"
Mm hmm. This is classic Perry White.

"I just wanted to ask you if you're sure about this, son. I know Lois is quite a woman, but she's a handful, even for your old editor. Are you *sure* this is what you want?"
Shame on you, Perry.

Love it. It's a shame the story is over.
