The A-plot, Rachel, is the stuff that guys want to see when they watch movies. The fights. The explosions. The evil scheming. The horrible villains. The way the heroes have to fight for their lives.

The B-plot, on the other hand, is the kind of thing the guys tend to fast-forward when they watch movies.
I was going to take great exception to this gross generalization of "guys" and how we view entertainment, but decided it wasn't worth it.

For me:

A-plot - the plotline that really drives the story. The thing that causes Lois and Clark to interact.

B-plot - The interaction between Lois and Clark.

I'm here for the Lois and Clark B-plot stuff. I never fast-forward over anything, and often will rewatch things (to my wife and daughters dimay) to pick up any and all little details of a scene, just to make sure I've got it all. wink
