Hey, vsp, welcome to the ranks of the addicted! Many professional writers, when asked why they write, reply that they can't not write. If you continue this story as well as you've begun it, you'll understand what I mean. Great start!

I'm sure it will become clear soon, but we don't yet know how old Jon is when this shooting takes place. Is he an adult? Is he still a teen? I get the distinct impression that he isn't the baby on the patio at the end of Family Hour, that he's Clark's natural son, but his invulnerability hasn't developed yet if that's true or he wouldn't have been hurt. And what was he doing when he was shot? Was he trying to help someone in danger? Did he walk into a convenience store as it was being robbed? Was it a school shooting? And will the doctors who treat him realize how different he is?

This is going to be interesting, vsp. Keep it going!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing