Second try... long post and it all got lost. I'll try to write it again. razz

Oh dear! Tank and Saskia, what in the world am I to do with you? Or perhaps for you? I wonder if a little action would suffice? Or whether, since Tank’s Part 27.5 was pretty much his usual act of ‘reading’ my hard drive, I should finish on the major WHAM of Clark being exposed and having to go into hiding? While Lois’s credibility as a reporter is destroyed for not having exposed him herself, and she also loses Clark because he blames her for persuading him to go public? There - how’s that for a good ending?
I've been thinking about this for the most part of the evening and just had to say something <g>. You are absolutely right, Wendy. This sounds like a little action indeed. And as you're probably aware of, I'd rather see the big stuff with lots of action and whams and angst. This doesn't come hardly near the way I like it.

Now, to help you along the way I'll give you a few simple suggestions. So have fun reading on and I'll add a warning for those who don't like whams... you may not want to read more.

/me gets in touch with the really evil side of her and starts throwing the ideas in the group:

1. As we all know, the only thing that can hurt Clark is kryptonite. So on his very first rescue as Superman he'll encounter the green rock, gets kidnapped, tortured and the possibly killed (I'll leave that up to you). Lois, of course, goes after him to save the day. But in her usual way she gets caught, and as the bad guys aren't pleased with her at all... End. smile

2. Lois has all this time been pretending that she likes Clark and is secretly a part of Bureau 39. She informed them all about Clark and his powers. So they made a drink for Clark (poison to him), which Lois offers him. Result: Clark swallows the kryptonite, and as it's his first encouter he won't survive. End. smile (thank you for the idea, Wendy)

3. (last idea and slightly less evil) The world is not very friendly and sees Superman as a threat and is very hostile towards him. At every rescue they mob him, thus prevending Clark from helping and rescuing people. In his dispair he moves to the North Pole to be never seen again. Lois, left behind without a word, resumes her life after a week and in the end marries Luthor to live happily ever after. End. smile

Just a few ideas from me ( [Linked Image]) on a hot summer night. Hope you had fun reading.

Now I'll be patient and wait until the real part 28 gets posted and we can see what Wendy really comes up with.

Saskia peep

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!