Have a nice time in California, Wendy! Thanks for the early part.
“But I don’t want to compete with Lois, Dad,” Clark said softly. “We’re friends. And we’re partners now, too. I couldn’t be happier about the way things have worked out.”

Jonathan gave Clark a broad smile. “So your mother was right!”


“After you called us last night, your mom said you’re in love with this Lois.”

Clark returned his father’s grin with a sheepish one of his own. “I can’t hide anything from you guys, can I?”
<Wistful sigh> Wish everybody could have this kind of relationship with their parents.

“Oh, by the way, Lois is here, Dad,” he said as they headed towards the barn door. “She’s in the kitchen with Mom.”

“She’s here?!” Jonathan did a double-take. “And you left her with your mom? You know Martha will have your baby photos out by now, don’t you?”

“Oh, heck,” Clark muttered. “Let’s get in there, then!”
We missed out on an embarrassed Clark being teased by Lois and Martha about his baby pictures.
And now, with the entrance of Lois Lane into Clark’s life, all of that seemed to have changed.

Clark, for the first time in his life, had opened up to someone other than his parents. He’d taken a leap of faith where Lois was concerned, and it had been fully justified; Lois had returned his trust with her own, and with her love.

It didn’t hurt that they looked wonderful together too, Martha thought in satisfaction. They were so sweet, holding hands under the table - and she was very sure that it never occurred to either of them that she or Jonathan knew that was what they were doing. And they kept exchanging secret, meaningful smiles; if they were alone, they’d have been kissing by now.
Nice WAFFy part. Just buttering us up for the upcoming WHAMs after you come back from California, aren't you?
“Thanks, Mom,” Clark said gratefully. “I was thinking something tasteful in maybe dark blue?”
Clark looked ruefully down at the clingy electric-blue Spandex in which he was now clad.
Since when do men with women in their lives get to choose their wardrobe?
Over supper, his mom asked, “How’s the apartment-hunting going?”

“Apartment-hunting?” Lois interrupted before Clark could answer.
For a moment, I thought Lois was going to suggest moving in together, rather than getting Louie to find Clark a new place. Of course, for Lois, that would be moving VERY fast in a relationship.

It'll be a tough three weeks waiting for Part 28. Enjoy your trip!

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin