Ack, such fun! But how will I have time to comment?

As she moved to her mirror she noted with satisfaction that she looked much better than before, her cheeks even had a little color in them. She wasn’t sure if that was because Clark was sitting just outside the door - on her bed - waiting for her to come out, or if it was simply due to the effects of the hot water.
How sweet... *sigh*

But she couldn’t go out there in nothing but a towel, could she?
Well... as long as she doesn't let Clark get a good look at her un-towelled chest. (The poor boy doesn't have his X-ray vision right now, remember? ) wink

Sue turned the knob and lightly threw the door open. “Hi, Clark, just gotta get some...” She broke off when she saw him toss her writing notebook a couple of feet away from him on the bed. His face had guilt – the color of crimson – stained on it.
What's he been reading? The lake scene from Revisionist History? The supply closet scene from Faustian Bargain? The upcoming steamy scene from Platonic - did he get to see that before us, Sue? drool blush

But here’s the weird thing – she asked me what I *really* wished.”

“And what did you say?”

Sue blushed and hesitated for a moment before answering, “Um, that I had Clark Kent in my closet.”
Confessions are good for the soul! rotflol

“It’s not what you think. I mean, well, maybe it is. It’s just that there’s been this long running joke that I had Clark Kent hidden away in my closet. And I was just teasing her... And, oh, I really wish I could hide somewhere right now.”
Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh, poor Sue, we are laughing at your expense now, but this is just so deliciously funny!

“Wait. I wrote that sentence down with this pen.”
Magic pen! Wooo-hooo!

“Look, Sue...” There was her name again, making her feel all giddy. She tried to focus so she wouldn’t miss what he had to say. “I can’t stay here. I need to get back to my life - I need to get back to Lois. There’s so much I need to tell her, apologize for. And if there’s a chance that pen could do it, then I say we test it out.”
As delicious as it is to see him visit you, Sue, I think it is a great idea to send him back to Lois to apologize.

Part of Sue was sorry that Clark hadn’t come from later in the series – maybe even from sometime in season four – then she could have asked him what he had been thinking during that whole “clone/amnesia arc”. And there were other things too, things she wanted to know...
Like what it had been like during certain choice scenes from season four, where Clark and Lois seemed to have a lot of, uh, fun together?

She knew she really shouldn’t write what she was thinking about writing, but she just couldn’t help herself. This would be her only chance, and it was the chance of a lifetime. She just had to know...

She had to know what it would feel like to be kissed by Clark.
She writes down, "I wish Clark Kent would kiss me"? eek

Clark’s eyes seemed to darken a little, all of the sudden, and it made her stomach do a long, slow slide. “Is that what they say?”
Her insides did a long, slow slide.... Classic Sue!

Her mind whirled. “They say that opportunity often knocks but if you’re not listening then it’s really just noise.”
What a perfect saying. And Sue - or DJ - made it up?

“Really,” he said, his voice growing huskier. “I haven’t heard that one before.”

Sue’s mouth felt suddenly dry. Clark’s lips were just inches away from hers. Oh god. Maybe that pen really was magic. “That’s because I just made it up,” she said softly.

She watched his hand as it reached up to clutch her face tenderly. She felt the softness of his skin against hers, the warmth of his breath as he drew her in closer. She closed her eyes.
Ah! Ah! Ah! DJ, you can't leave us there!
