oi... I'm a wreck and haven't slept in well over 30 hours, but I absolutely cannot resist reading this!! Apologies in advance for typos and things that will likely end up making sense only in my head.

She had opted not to take a cold shower for that same reason, even though she probably could have used one.
oh, hehehe! Yeah, no kidding, huh -- with that guy standing in the next room!

So, was this incarnation of Clark from season three? Before he had proposed to Lois?
Hang on, my head is really not very clear, but don't you mean season two? Or do you mean between the 1st ep of season three and UltraWoman? I'm consufed.

Oh, you evil, evil.... ahhh! how could you leave us right before the kiss? Come back, DJ! Come back! I'll be waiting right here. I don't mind how much longer I have to stay up... Please!!!


Of course... Lara was so exhausted she fell asleep on her keyboard, typing a long line of "ggggggg"'s until the computer started beeping and she woke up with a start.

"Uh? What? The doorbell?" she said, barely awake.

Oh, God! The doorbell? Did someone send her a magic pen, too? She rushed to the door, but found no one. Coming back to her workstation uptairs, she found that it had just been the computer.

Obviously. Everyone knew that magic pens were only be delivered on sick days!

She wouldn't even ask for that much if she had a pen like that. Just a short five minute flight in Clark's arms. As a birthday present. She sighed.

Lara shut the computer down and went to bed, desperately hoping to catch something during the night. There was a virus going around these days, she recalled as she closed her eyes - stomach flu. So bad, it was even in the news because half the guys on the the local hockey team were out sick.

Oh yes, stomach flu sounded just positively wonderful.


...and with that Lara is really *going* to bed. See how messed up she is, writing stories in the middle (well, the end, really) of her feedback!

I love this story (I mean *yours* DJ, obviously, not that silly thing I just wrote!) I can't wait to find out how it ends. smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies