Thanks everyone for the reviews.

In the GGOH or perhaps a later episode, I thought (and I may be wrong--it has been a while since I have actually watched it) that Clark mentions to someone that he heard the globe speak "Krypton" to his mind--like, he suddenly knew that the world it showed was Krypton. Earlier on, when Clark tells Lois that his name was Kal-El in chapter 10, I put a quick sentence in that said:

It was a name he had only heard out loud onceā€”it had been whispered to him when he first touched the globe from his spaceship, along with the name of his home planet.
I hope that fixes things up. If not, please forgive the error.

That seemed to be the main concern that I felt from everyone out there.

Terry Leatherwood said:
Oh, this is such a powerful chapter! I love how Clark overtaxed his still-healing body and how his mother "knocked him over the head" for it! Sometimes we have to do a small injury to the ones we love in order to show our greater love.

G. Khun wrote:
I'm glad to see Clark is getting better and is ready to head back to Metropolis. The interaction between Martha and Clark is perfect.

SuperRoo wrote:
I understood Martha's reaction [after the globe]- grabbing on to Clark a little bit more, afraid that he would leave.
I love Martha, and I'm glad you liked the whole mothering part. Clark needs it, and one of his problems that he's always seemed to have is just not knowing when to stop. He expects too much from himself, even (or maybe especially) now. You all can tell now what a sucker I am for relationships, so I'm glad that you liked a bit more between Martha and Poor Clark.

Bureau 39 is in for a double dose of Lane and Kent, and I believe they'll take down the bad guys. But Clark and Lois are in for a roller-coaster ride, too. I see some dark dreams still in the future for both of them.
Yeah. If everything goes according to plans, we're not very close to finishing yet, folks.

Jor-El's words were so chilling and sad to hear/read after knowing what Clark experienced at the hand of Dr. Logram. They shed such different light, to me, than they did in the movies where Clark seemed more separate from the masses. Here he is more a part of hist world. I know what they mean and what not, they just seemed to pack a different punch here for me. Almost a bit scary, a too late welcome. I like how it is being added and neat to see what sort of effect it has on Clark's thoughts.
That's one of my favorite parts about writing this fic. I'm trying to put some more meaning behind some of the actions that we are quite familiar with from the movies, etc, and trying to add a new angle or idea. I'm glad it's working!

Argh. RL calls. Thank you so much for all the reviews, everyone. Expect the next chapter sometime this week...maybe tomorrow (if I find time to sit down and finish it) or maybe later. Keep your fingers crossed!
