“Do the girls usually fawn at your feet when you say that? Do they throw you their bras and room keys?”
Oh, come on, Lois. You are just being mean…

She barely paused before blowing him off, in a big-sister kind of way. “Look, I’ve heard lines from men all around the world. Your’s isn’t bad, but it’s nothing to write home about, you understand. I’ve turned down men from every habited continent on Earth in at least a dozen languages, so save yourself a little time, huh? I’m just not interested.”
No, in any language….

Seventeen countries in twelve years? You traveled much too frequently to make any real friends, let alone establish a meaningful relationship. So the no-dating policy was probably pretty good protection. I knew you were a smart one, Lois.”
Stick it to her, Clark - albeit gently.

Well, I'm not liking this ultra mean Lois, but you are certainly writing her well. I certainly think Clark ought to back off and let Lois figure out just what she's lost.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~