Lois didn't dare ask anything personal for fear of the interview being over before it had even started.
She doesn't know yet that CK would never throw her out!

Clark had never really believed in fate or destiny - it always seemed like a very pessimistic way of seeing the world -
Interesting. Care to elaborate?

"Ah, well... it must have been some disappointment to see me there instead of a cute little creature."

"Quite the opposite," she replied, the words coming out of her mouth faster than her brain could analyze them. Her eyes grew wide as she realized what she'd just said. "Oh... I didn't mean... I wasn't... Uh..."

"You don't have to explain," he said softly. "I'm glad you didn't turn out to be a cat either, you know."
So wonderfully waffy.

"I hope you don't think I'm being too forward," he said softly as he leaned in closer to her. A mere second later, his lips covered hers and he was kissing her, gently at first, then more fervently as she leaned into him and returned the kiss just as ardently.
oh, yummy.

They had changed the title of her story into "I spent the night with Clark Kent". Under that was a subtitle in a much smaller font, which read "An exclusive interview by Lois Lane".
Ah, nice homage to the Donner film. Awkward situation for Lois, though.

Lois looked up and tried to smile. "I'm sor... sorry," she hiccupped between ragged breaths. She bent down to pick up the newspaper and handed it over to him. "I didn't know... they would pri... print it... like that," she explained. "I'm so sorry."
If he is mad, surely he will forgive her considering how distressed she obviously is.

"They sure know how to sell papers," he said, shaking his head and still laughing.
Or not being mad at all is even better.

Sweet scene with Kathryn and Timmy.

lisa in the sky with diamonds