awwww!!! Thank you so much! I love you guys - I'm smiling from ear to ear. smile

That was a pretty nice goodbye kiss, wasn't it? I could so see it in my head. mmm!! smile

You will see Elvis again, I promise you will. smile And there's a scene in part 8 where Lex gets what's coming to him. I *love* it!

If she hadn’t been there to explain, though, he might not have been so understanding, I bet.
Actually... my first idea had him reading the article on his own and being pissed at her and then her having to try and "win him back". But then, I realized that it would be out of character for her not to flip out about something like that - especially since she's falling for him and she realizes how easy it would be to jeopardize this relationship.

Please tell me you'll be writing a sequel because I just don't see how this can be wrapped up in 3 parts.
I will be - because I'll be unemployed and bored in January, so I'm going to write about all the things I didn't have time to explain in this story... But, it does wrap up in 3 parts. Maybe it wraps up quickly and a bit out of character - you'll have to tell me - but it does end at part 10, on the 50,000th word. wink

Is this funny or is this funny? Isn't this the most darlingly funny take on "Superman the Movie", where Lois got an interview with Superman, and the Daily Planet printed it all over the front page under the headline, "I Spent the Night With Superman"? Oh, yes, Lara. You bet it is!!!!
Hehehe! Ann -- that one was just for you. It's the little inside joke that I said at the beginning if I explained it, you were likely to hit me. LOL! (There's going to be another one in part 8, so look out for it. I could NOT resist putting that one in, it's my absolute favorite quote of all times.)

Going to post part 8 very shortly. smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies