First off, thank you guys for reading, and for your incredible feedback! I know this storyline isn't exactly everyone's particular cup of tea, but Ann and Terry, the comments you two have given me have been such a huge driving force behind this story's progression. Seriously, y'all don't realize just how much of an inspiration you've been!

MrsMosley, I'm so glad you caught up with this story and are enjoying it! *happy dance*

And Ann, you're right:
.. it's even more horrifying that when Scardino is comforting (Mayson) like this - incidentally pushing her over the edge and making her cry while he is comforting her - he is also planning to put her in additional danger without even informing her of his plans.
I was hoping that kind of dichotomy would play out in this particular scene, and you've picked up on it instantly. Yes, he's comforting Mayson but also (unintentionally) causing her even more pain — and the worst is yet to come, when he'll *knowingly* use her to get closer to solving the Intergang puzzle.

And this kind of feedback just leaves me with a big ol' grin on my face that's impossible to wipe away:
The tension is rising, as you are working your way towards a climax and a resolution, Crystal. At least it feels that way to me. And it is still so beautifully written.
Thank you!! Ann, I swear, this is probably the most touching thing you could've told me. For months, I felt like I'd completely depleted my creative reserves and this story was just languishing in the land of indecision, leaving me convinced it was a terrible, terrible premise and everything I attempted to write was trite and awful and not compelling in the slightest. So, again, thank you! clap

Terry, your comment was absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for the compliments on my writing! I'm just as insecure about my abilities as the next writer you'll meet, and coming from someone who awes me with his stories, well ... it's just plain inspiring. notworthy

You're also completely right — *nobody* can survive endless stress, no matter how strong they are. And unfortunately, the stronger their resolve, the more complete the breakdown usually is. The Mayson I've tried to write is a lot like Clark in that respect, I think. (At least, I hope!)

Again, thanks so much for all the encouragement you guys have given me on this story — I'm so glad you're enjoying this tumultuous ride!

~ Crystal

"Not all those who wander are lost." — JRR Tolkien