This is indeed very well written. You made me feel Mayson's despair and terror. You have brought to life a character which I always liked and thought was underused in the series, although I would not have wanted her to hook up with Clark. But she was - and is - a strong woman who knows what she wants and how to get it. Because of that, her current helpless condition has shattered her into a million little pieces (hey, that could be a great title) and pushed her to the point of relying on whoever offers her a shoulder.

For some, who might think that Mayson's weakness is a "woman" thing, let me tell you that no one - and I mean no one - can withstand endless stress. Everyone has a breaking point. Everyone has a weakness. And everyone is vulnerable. The more you care about others, the more highly you prize ideals and principles, the more vulnerable you are. The strongest may last the longest, but when they break they break more completely. That may be counter-intuitive, but it's true, and you've written Mayson's reactions as true-to-life as any I've ever read.

Keep it up! And maybe you could have Daniel pull her out of the jaws of death next time. They might have a future together.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing