Ann said:

I loved, loved, loved every time I heard him say to her that he had always loved her and always would. But I didn't need to be told that she had always loved him (and always would). I already knew that.

I've gotten the impression from your posts (and please correct me if I'm wrong) that you haven't seen most of the show. What you said might be true of the comic books and movies, but certainly not of L&C:TNAOS. You can't judge our Clark by the one you're familiar with from the comics and other incarnations.
You are right, C_A. It's indeed true that for various reasons, I haven't seen most of the show. As for angelic's vignette, I was just trying to explain why it is so lovely from my point of view, as a 51-year-old woman who became a Superman fan at barely fourteen when I became convinced that Superman loves Lois Lane.

To me, LNC:TNAOS will always be just one aspect of the larger Superman mythos. But I realize that this is just my take on it. As a matter of fact, I do judge the Superman character by everything that I know about the mythos of him. But believe me, I don't judge LNC fans for regarding LNC as a world unto itself, separate from all other incarnations of Superman. I don't criticize anyone who feels that the only portrayal of Clark that matters is the LNC one. And I fully accept that in the show, Clark immediately knew that Lois was the only woman he could ever love, whereas it took a long time for Lois to be similarly convinced that Clark was the only man for her. I wasn't dismissing the show, I was just explaining how I regard these characters. And I was trying to explain, too, why angelic's vignette was so wonderful from my point of view.

But let me say, too: Judging from how Lois is generally portrayed in fannon, which I know so much better than the show, Lois tends to admit to herself that she has always loved Clark. Consider what she says to Clark in CC Aiken's alternative ending to The Friends We'd Do For A Friend:

He gathered his courage. Time to go for broke. “Can you... love me, now that you know?”

Her gaze was bottomless, shiny with unshed tears. It told him the answer before she did. “I think I already do. Maybe I always have.”
So it seems to me that even in the LNC universe, Lois may always have loved Clark. I know that to me, her love for him has seemed more of a constant than his love for her. But while you can't question LNC-Clark's eternal love for Lois, acknowledging her love for him probably makes good LNC-sense, too.

All I know is that to me, this vignette is absolutely beautiful. Hope you are all right with that, angelic. smile
