Another wonderful segment, Nan. You have a real talent for making exposition interesting - the arrival of a disgruntled Jimmy in the initial scene was an inspired way to liven up the necessary facts.

My heart was pounding along with Ellen's in the parking lot. And eeep! She's in trouble! It was great to see her working her way through the clues though. Loved the not as tall and muscular conclusion. goofy ) This was especially cute:

"Did the police have any clues?" Clark asked. He had lowered his glasses, and Lois saw a tiny tendril of smoke rise from the metal pin that held on the rear wheel of Jimmy's tricycle. The four-year-old craned his neck, trying unsuccessfully to see over his father's shoulder. "There you go, sport. All fixed." He blew gently on the repaired pin. "You take it out on the patio and ride it there, okay?"

"'Kay, Daddy," Jimmy said. He planted a wet kiss on his father's cheek and departed, dragging the tricycle.
Made me get a lump in my throat. Darn you. <g>

"I'll feel better if you do," Lois said. "There are times I'd like to wring her neck, but I don't want her to be murdered."

Brilliant. More soon!

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers