I've been a little stumped for words, because Lex Luthor is... well, not my favorite character, you know? I don't love to hate him, I just hate him. And I can't stand that Lois believes herself to be in love with him! I think that this is the hardest thing to accept for me in the entire LNC canon: I mean the idea that Lois was prepared to marry Lex. And - <sniffle> - I hate when Lois is being galactically stupid!

But I agree with absolutely everything that Ultragirl said. Thank you, Ultra, for so excellently pointing out all the great things about this new chapter of Seven Seconds! I particularly liked the argument between the two Loises myself. Of course, I was rooting for Investigative Lois all the way! hyper

I'm personally very, very much looking forward to more Lois and Clark interaction. Will Lois accuse Clark of being married? What will he say to her? Is it even possible that Lex will have tried to plant a faked marriage certificate somewhere, supposedly proving that Clark is married?

Looking forward to the next chapter, where we will hopefully see more of Lois and Clark! (And less of Luthor - but I'm not sure you will grant me that wish, will you, Barbara?)
