Loved it!! I read it this morning while having my coffee, but didn't have time for feedback then... Wonderful start to the day, though. smile

The condom issue was more difficult. He didn’t know if they worked on him, and obviously he needed to find out.
I have to ask.. I'm clueless...
If the thing hadn't worked, wouldn't he have known upon removing it? I mean, there is no other way one of these things wouldn't work, other than ripping, is there? So he would have noticed, no?

Maybe Cat Grant, who had been uncomfortably obvious in her attentions to him the day before, would come to work dressed as a nun and sit primly at her desk all day.
I'd pay to see that happening. hehehe! wink

He didn’t like her;
Oh, please!!!

[...]She’s even hotter in person than she is on television.”

“An important quality in a scientist,” Clark deadpanned.
Great retort!!

Yeah, yeah, I’m a sexist pig
And that one is even better! smile

Cat could walk by half-naked (which, ditto) and if Lois was working, she wouldn’t even notice.
That's my fav bit - it's *hilarious*! The way it's written, with the ditto thrown in there, is especially funny to me. I laughed so hard this morning, the guy in the next office came by and asked if he could be in on the joke. LOL! (I told him it was a Superman thing and he just wouldn't understand. hehehe! It's my standard answer for a lot of things these days...)

Watching Clark while pretending she wasn’t watching Clark took twice as much effort as just watching him would, which would mean four times as much effort as not watching him at all.
And boy oh boy is he ever worth the effort...!!!

An insidious little voice whispered to her that if she’d looked and acted like Wanda Detroit, he wouldn’t be able to help looking. It whispered that this just proved what she already knew – that Wanda Detroit was what he’d wanted all along, and Lois Lane wasn’t worth a glance.
...somehow the words "galatically stupid" come to mind here. wink

He’d said she was beautiful. He’d said Lois was beautiful, with no reference to Wanda Detroit. More than that, he’d all but said straight out that she was the most beautiful woman he knew. [...] Because after the way she’d behaved, it just wasn’t possible that he could still care about her.
In the immortal words of our good friend Tempus.... Hello? DUH.

Loved this part, I cannot wait for the next!! Great job, Caroline!! smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies