Ah, I'm always so thrilled to see a new chapter of this story on the boards. I really shouldn't be here now (lots of work yet to do!), but I thought I'd take one peek and installment 8 caught my eye. So of course, my responsibilities had to go take a backseat for a while. *g*

Because his eyes had seen things. Lots of things. Incredible things. His eyes had seen the whole world.

Yet they wanted to stop right there and watch Lois Lane get coffee.
Gah. Can't tell you how much I loved that sentiment.

She hadn’t hissed and spit and reminded him of his promise to keep his distance.
Hee. Even though her nickname is Mad Dog Lane, I always enjoy it when feline imagery is applied to Lois; it's very apt. That line just brought me back to your Loislike cat in "If I Were You." The memories of that made me smile.

And this Clark, despite his different experiences with her, has also made it a point to immediately note how Lois likes her coffee. Nice touch.

I like how Clark's thoughts keep returning to Lois' attractiveness and how he's unhappy about that but can't seem to shake it. It's a realistic detail.

Very deft handling of Jimmy, too. You have such talent at bringing the supporting cast alive. (I've said it before, but hey, every chapter adds new characters to the list).

Watching Clark while pretending she wasn’t watching Clark took twice as much effort as just watching him would, which would mean four times as much effort as not watching him at all.

Seriously, these two just can't keep their eyes off another. They just need to surrender to the attraction! *g* Then again, they already did that once. wink

How dare he be so totally immune to her when his very presence was shredding her nerves?
Clark is good at faking it. I suppose he must be to pull off Superman. razz

Well, she’d liked it, that was all.
Sure, Lois. Keep saying that to yourself.

Awesome chapter, Caroline. This story just gets better and better.

"Superman is a guy who's seen wonders we'll never see and Lois is to him, one of those wonders."