it was just the last drop!
Did you mean "the last straw"?
Ah... geez! What was I thinking! I guess this is a case of lost in translation a bit... In French, the expression is "la goutte qui fait déborder le vase" (the drop that makes the vase overflow -- litteral translation). I'll go fix it. smile Thanks!

This whole chapter makes me want to cry for Clark. All his thoughts when Lois comes to the apartment and the city's rejection of him.
wink now you know how I felt while I was writing it.

And Toyman, I don't know, he said something about space rats.
Nice inside joke!
YAY!! I'm glad someone spotted it! smile
There was one in part 1 that probably noone noticed (but that's OK, it wasn't in L&C, so...), there were 2 little gags in part 4 (the rats and... well... think about it) and there are more to come. When I put all the chapters together, I'll add a list of all the inside jokes at the end. wink

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies