Oooohhh... This almost sounds like Perry knows - or at least has his suspicions!
smile glad you picked up on that. I think he knows, yes.

Break is what happens when you drop a glass and it shatters. Brakes are what stop a car (or a train).
D'oh!!! I'll go fix it. Thanks. smile
(that's what I get for deciding to post without having anyone look at this part first...)

I know you said some of these villains are from the DC universe. Metallo, I recognize, but I don't remember much about him. Can you tell a little about these villains?
smile Sure thing!

First the team -
Superman Revenge Squad is an actual team which exists in the DCU, except I didn't use the version from the comic books, I used the team they had in an episode of Justice League (animated series). Mind you, I haven't seen the episode, but I have seen the villains elsewhere, including eps of Lois & Clark and Superman:The Animated Series...

Is a cyborg - he's part human and part machine. His real identity is John Corben. The machine part of him is powered by Kryptonite. You've seen this guy in Lois & Clark, season 2. smile There isn't much difference between what they had on the show and the comics version of him - he was in an accident and Emmet Vale turned him into a cyborg in order to get rid of Superman.

Weather Wizard
Real name is Mark Mardon. He doesn't usually show up in Superman stories cause he's from Central City (ie: The Flash's hometown). His brother, Clyde was a scientist who discovered a way to control the weather before dying. Mark took Clyde's notes and used them to make a wand to generate weather and embarked on a criminal career.

Leslie Willis is her name. She used to be a radio host (a shock jock, to be exact - that's like Howard Stern). She lead a hate campaign against Superman before she was turned into a supervillain in an accident. She was hosting a rock concert in Centennial Park, during a thunderstorm (!). Lightning hit and Superman went to save her, but lightning hit *him* and transfered some of his powers to her... (reminds me of another story...!) She can control electricity and turn herself into pure energy to travel through electrical wiring. (and I think for a super villain, she's pretty darn cool!!!)

Other members of the team (which won't show up in the story) are:

Kalibak who is the first son of Darkseid, the ruler of Apokolips (whatever that means... *lol*)

Toyman whose real name is Winslow Schott. He uses toy-based or -themed devices and gimmicks in his various crimes. Basically that's the bad guy you've seen in Season's Greedings.

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies