Great part!!

Double trouble double speak, Clark!!

Talking about himself in the third person was starting to be second nature by now - and so was pretending that he had conversations with... well, himself - but Clark wasn't very good at lying to everyone he knew. He hated doing it so much, no wonder he hadn't mastered the skill... This time, though, he really needed to pull it off, or he'd likely get himself in a heap of trouble!
Ahhh.... Lois cares!
Lois went back to the Planet with a heavy heart.
Boy, isn't this the truth? Some people that call themselves journalists....

Some of what these so called journalists were reporting was so far off from the truth, he was ashamed to think he shared their profession.
Oooohhh... This almost sounds like Perry knows - or at least has his suspicions!

"I don't envy the guy," Perry thought as he hung up the phone himself. "I'm amazed he's even able to keep it together these days..." He shook his head, hoping things would sort themselves out somehow. Perry would hate to lose half of his best news reporting team, not to mention everything else they currently stood to lose if this heat wave didn't end sometime soon.
Break is what happens when you drop a glass and it shatters. Brakes are what stop a car (or a train).

I know you said some of these villains are from the DC universe. Metallo, I recognize, but I don't remember much about him. Can you tell a little about these villains? Thanks

More soon please!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~