I'm keeping up, too. I wonder if Lois will have to reveal her secret identity to Dr. Friskin. After all, psychologists and therapists are supposed to honor the doctor-patient confidentiality guidelines just like medical doctors. Maybe this will do her a world of good. But is she going as Ultra Woman or as Lois Lane? I suspect the doctor will tell her that she would be more able to treat the real person rather than the costumed crusader. I think that's what Friskin was leading up to in the episode where Superman utilized her services, but didn't get there because he discovered the red K.

Mayb she can make a house call in New Krypton. I think, when Clark finally comes back, he won't want to be Superman for quite a while. He might even prefer to be a Mr. Mom for some time, especially since he will have missed so much time with Jon. Besides, he will have to deal with all the death and pain and suffering he witnessed and underwent himself, and that's not something you get over with a good night's sleep.

And I still think Talan has a crucial part to play in this drama. We've not seen the last of this very strong and loyal woman.

I wonder if Ching and Zara's relationship will be used against Clark's rule by Nor and his cronies. They're taking some awful chances, despite having Clark's tacit blessing. They belong together, but in a licit relationship, not an illicit one where they have to lie and cheat and steal precious moments together and hide their love from everyone else. That's no way to live, and it's going to come back and bite them in their hinder parts.

This is still a great read. Rac, you've captured Lois's anguish so perfectly, and I can't imagine how she's been able to keep up the pace for so long. And while Clark's trials are different, they're no less harrowing for him. I'm sure there's a reconciliation coming for these two, but it's not going to be all honey and roses. Even after Clark comes back, there will be major adjustments for all of them, especially for Jon, since he will be meeting his father for the first time.

Boy, just when I think you've about wrapped it up, more opportunities to torture these people crop up. Hey, just keep them coming! Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? Naw, I never liked that saying either.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing