Wow, thanks, everyone! Wheee, my first ever "hot topic"!) laugh

I'm very glad y'all enjoyed this little bit of fluff. Okay, it got decidedly unfluffy in the last part, but I think I rescued it. smile (And Wendy, you're a great deal too kind! blush )

AnnaBtG said:
Happy birthday, Sarah, Wendy and Annie! (a multiple present, huh? [Big Grin] )
Yep! goofy Three birthdays with one st... um... story. wink

Tank, I'm sorry my wham (the ficus going unwatered, and some of its branches dying) disappointed you. I'm afraid I'm just not much into blood and gore and missing limbs and all... which is odd, considering how much I enjoy Buffy, but there you have it. smile

I wa extremely troubled by the way Lois persisted in comparing Clark to Lex. I thought it was unfair and rather cruel on Lois' part. Yes, both lied to her. I would not suggest they both manipulated her, though. And Clark certainly never behaved to Lois the way Lex did.
Hazel, I guess this is the S2 Lois characterisation rearing its head again. The Lois of the series went completely ballistic when she worked out the secret; I don't think it was a stretch for my Lois (several months closer to her nadir with Lex) to be badly rocked by Clark's lying. We'll probably have to agree to differ. smile

As for the one remaining issue...
So when can we expect more work from you?

So when do we get to see more fic from you, Mere?
Um... er... /me takes the fifth. peep

Thanks again, Annie, Barb, Wendy, Pam, Kathy, Helga, HC, Alicia, Anna, Maria, Karen, Jen, Tank, Laura, Paul, Roger, skullee (welcome!), Hazel, Rivka, José, Tricia, Annette, merry, Liz, Saskia and L!

Mere :out of graemlins, but very happy:

A diabolically, fiendishly clever mind. Possibly someone evil enough to take over the world. CC Aiken, Can You Guess the Writer? challenge