Happy birthday, Sarah, Wendy, and Annie! thumbsup

"I did love both of you," she continued, looking awkwardly down at her hands. "That's why I should have known you were the same person. But I wouldn't admit, even to myself, that I loved two different men - that would have made me some sort of pervert. So I thought I could compromise - have Clark as my partner and best friend, and Superman as my boyfriend. You wrecked my plans completely, that day... Superman wouldn't have me, and Clark wouldn't work with me. And he wasn't even a safe friend any more. So I accepted Lex's proposal instead. It took me weeks - right up until the morning of my wedding -" She paused and moistened her lips. "- to realise that I couldn't live without you." She lifted her head and met his eyes at last. There was a strange mixture of emotions in her eyes - love and fear, hope and doubt. "Clark you. That's why I said 'I can't' at the altar."
Given Lois' behavior during the whole BatP/HOL arc, this explanation actually makes a lot of sense to explain why she did what she did without making her look like a shallow moron. Okay, she still was, but not as much of one.

"You didn't try to take advantage of the situation when we were on stakeout at the Lexor, either," she said, remembering. She'd half expected him to; any other male of her acquaintance would have done. She'd even, in a moment of madness - or perhaps a moment of unusual clarity? - packed a sexy, silky nightdress for the stay, just in case... She'd been horrified at herself afterwards. When she'd gone back later for a night on her own, she'd packed her thickest flannel pyjamas.
This is an interesting take. She was planning on giving in if he made a pass at her. I'd have to look at the ep again, but I don't think she was wearing flannel at the end. (small nit)

"You kissed me goodbye at the airport last night, if you remember, but it was a rather half-hearted job." Her fingers threaded themselves through his thick, soft hair. "I've been thinking about it since then... rather a lot, in fact... and I feel you could do much better."
Way to go, Lois! dance

"So that's why you never minded sitting on my loveseats," she murmured once her breathing had quietened. "Invulnerable rear end... very useful."

Clark chuckled. "I assure you, even invulnerability doesn't save me from these monsters. What does help is being able to levitate."
ROTFL! rotflol

No comment on the ficus. smile

Great story!

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin