I apologize for not posting a WHAM warning. Since the terrible situations were resolved in fairly short order, I didn't think one would be needed. Apparently I was wrong, and I have now posted one.

Classicalla wrote:
This is hard to read like this:

“Well, I do have a budget meeting with the President tomorrow that I have to finish getting ready for – “ he grins and nudges my elbow. “ – but I think I can spare a few minutes for my very favorite Federal law enforcement official.”
I'd suggest ... ready for," he pauses, grins, and nudges my elbow, "but I .....
Sorry about making it hard to read. The technical reason I used the dashes instead of commas was to imply a pause of a couple of seconds duration, as if Bernie is trying to tease Dan a little. The commas tend to make the action flow more smoothly, and I wanted to put something in to stop the sentence. I didn't intend for it to be so abrupt, but the commas didn't hit the brakes hard enough.

Actually, I don't follow American Idol, and the similarity of names never crossed my mind. I was trying for a name with Clark's initials (CJK) but without actually using Clark and Jerome and Kent. KJ Clarkson was the best I could do!

I'm glad I could make some folks laugh. And maybe I should offer a no-prize to the first person to tell us who is the subject of the discussion at the end of the third story.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing