Oh, this is brilliant! I wasn't really sure about it at first, until I finally realized about halfway through take two that these were two different alternate dimensions. (/me slow on the uptake!) Then I was hooked. And the conclusion! I loved the bickering between KJ and Dan, and their attempt talk their way out of this weird situation with Lois.

I don’t know if Tempus is a person, a place, an organization, or a monthly magazine.

The first thing that pops into my mind is, “You think about it later.”

He cuts his eyes towards me. “Very ‘Gone With The Wind’ of you.”

“Hey! I was just going to say that this could be the start of a beautiful friendship!”

“Oh, no,” I groan. “A million clones in the universe and I get stuck with an out-of-work comedian with a movie quote database grafted into his head.”
Great stuff, I really *am* laughing out loud! My husband is a movie buff and that last line fits him perfectly.

I am glad you gave Dan & KJ a happy ending. They deserved it after making such a sacrifice.

lisa in the sky with diamonds