Oh, this is still good! I really like how Lois's carefully contrived defenses are undone by this man she can't figure out, yet who she already doesn't want to live without. And their connection is so strong that she assumes she should have known she was on the same college campus as she.

I like that Lois has managed to grow to adulthood and retain control of her abilities and her temper. I still think she has some issues to deal with, but her memory of Mama will remain strong and help her overcome a lot of things that would have destroyed a weaker person. You've done a marvelous job painting her for your readers, and she's a wonderful heroine in a wonderful tale.

I also wonder about Clark's excuses and absences and his dirty slacks. Is he, as others have already suggested, also Kryptonian? If not, what's he doing? Is it something of which dragon-fighter Lois would not approve? I'm eager to see which it is, or if I'm completely on the wrong track and it's something else altogether.

I like his caution in relating to Lois, not pushing or making 'cute' little comments to her or about her. And he already knows how she likes her morning coffee. What's not to like?

Can't wait to see where this goes next!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing