This story had slipped my mind, but when I saw Ann's encouragement to finish, I had to add my own. Please, PLEASE finish this one! I've never seen Clark as conflicted as he is in this story. He's showing the Superman facade to the world, and only Lois (who now shares his powers AND a seemingly permanent tap into his mind) understands how desperately he hurries just to (in his mind, at least) stay close to even. He blames himself for every death, every disaster where he could have done more if he'd just been a little faster, a little stronger, a little smarter. He needs Lois to remind him that he's being all he possibly can be, and a little more besides.

And Lois needs him to guide her into heroism. Even though she has a very firm idea of how Superman is supposed to behave, she doesn't have as firm a grasp on how she's supposed to be now that she has his powers. It's a topic worth exploring in detail, and it's something I'd love to see resolved here. Please, PLEEEEESE come back and complete this tale of longing and woe!

I'll give you a virtual puppy and a no-prize. How about it?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing