I have to agree with Maria, FinLi. Your ending left something to be desired! I think you should have made Lois run after Clark, catch him, stare into his eyes and exclaim: "It's you! The mystery man who saved me!" And then Clark would have answered: "Yes, Lois, that was me. I've come here because I've spent every second since that day thinking about you! Lois, will you marry me?" And then he would start kissing her, and she would respond, and... okay, this is the PG folder, so you could just have him drag her into a conference room or something. Or, why not, he could spin into his suit and fly her off on a romantic super-date, which, seeing that this is the PG folder, we would have to imagine ourselves....

Are you sure this is really part 5/5, FinLi? I'd swear it's really part 5/6!
