Woody! <faints> WOW! Do you know how excited I was when I popped in here to post comments on Flawed and saw that someone had revived this thread. I had to do a double-take and then I was like "nah, that's not my story... it's a new story with the same title"...

But low and behold! <g>

Thank you so much for the fdk. I'm tickled pink that you enjoyed it. And yes, I hadn't heard that song before Kelly made the trailer for me. I was blown away by how well the lyrics fit the story. <hugs Kelly>

I loved your theorizing about Tempus. <g> You just never know about that evil genius. I think it's entirely possible/plausible that he might remember it... but as far as Lois & Clark were concerned, since Clark returned balance to time and set things right and Herb took him back to the night that things had changed for him... neither of them would remember. Which is why he couldn't remember to go save Mayson. Of course, just my take on things. <g>

Thanks so much for the fdk, Woody. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story and you so totally made my day today!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.