I really restled with how to explain the time traveling and the memories. I decided since it was sci-fi that it was open to interpretation.

However, after reading Ann's feedback, and re-reading some feedback Sue had given me, and then thinking about it some more...I decided I wanted to tweak one paragraph just a little.

Sue told me at one point that she liked the explanation I gave because it showed that Lois and Clark's love spanned time and was a constant in the universe. I agreed...I like the thought that true love conquers all...I'm a hopeless romantic.

So anyway, I wanted to convey this a little better, and perhaps re-word things a little better. So here is the end result. I have made the change in my posting of part six, so please do let me know what you think, if you like it better, or if you like the original better. Thanks!

Original Paragraph:
“There is always a past, and always a future, but there is also always a *present*. One spot in time that is the reality of the universe. This is the time that you came from. True, Tempus went back in the past and changed things, but from your *present* mind’s perspective you went to sleep one night and woke up the next morning with different memories, everything had suddenly changed. I have a feeling that because of the strong connection that you and Miss Lane share, your minds simply rebelled.”

Edited/Updated Paragraph:
“For every person who lives there is always a past, and always a future, but there is also always a *present*. Tempus went back in the past and changed things, but from your *present* mind’s perspective you went to sleep one night and woke up the next morning with different memories, everything had suddenly changed. And there is also the connection that you and Miss Lane have which seems to be a constant down through the ages; you have a love that spans across time. I have a feeling that, because of the bond you share, your minds simply rebelled.”

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.