Wow, Toc!!! This is brilliant! I love it! Lois is the orphan from Krypton, not Clark. And her Angel-Mama, who grew up in sad and bad foster homes and died of leukemia(?) when Lois was six, was the one who gave Lois her morals and her ideals.

I love this concept! It's brilliant! You must finish this story. You must, you must, you must!!!!

Wow. Super-Lois. Oh, imagine her meeting Clark Nice Ordinary Boy Kent. Imagine them falling in love. Will she fall like a ton of bricks for him? Will he be comparatively unimpressed with her? Will he be ever so slightly reckless? Will she have to save him, maybe as Ultrawoman?

Come on!!!! This story has to be told. It has to. You got the ball rolling. Now please finish what you started!!!!
hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper
