Bakasi, thanks for always taking the time to comment!
I really love when Lois repeatedly interrupts (almost always to her own detriment) on the show, so had fun fitting it in here! Glad you liked that bit, too. smile

Songbird, I'm so glad that it held tension and interest for you! I'm glad that the epilogue came about because it definitely felt like we needed a little happy balm after the mental torment in the larger half of the story -- though I do think pushing her that hard is what made her let down that last defense to call Clark, admitting what she really wanted the most.
Thanks so much for your all of your kind words - I really appreciate them! smile1

Michael, I really appreciate your taking me along as you read! It's always a fun treat! clap

CAT: If he kisses her for that long and they’re still just kissing, they’re doing it wrong.


Crop duster!

Leave it to the Smallville boy to have that kind of connection!

Clark does enjoy undressing Superman and getting the superhero showered after a successfully heroic outing.

Spicy! And technically totally canon.

Yeah, like that went so well the last time.

He really doesn't know he's the agent of his own unhappiness. Poor Clark!

This is adorable and funny and sad all at the same time.

Thank you!! blush

This and the earlier snippet, I like how you ramp up the fortifications.

I really appreciate that!

This and before, cute repurposing.

Thank you! It's a fine line between too cheesy and tantalizingly cheesy, right? lol

Huh? Oh… mistletoe!

I can truly never decide whether it's a mark of your genius or my predictable writing that you catch so much before it happens. confused

Very adorable epilogue /updates Kerth chart entry for ‘revelation’/

Thaaaaaank you. blush And yes, please!