Bakasi - thanks. I'm not sure how it would continue myself. There are so many places it could go. I've only read a two the-world-finds-out fics and they both invilved Lois outing him early on - so very different dynamic. When I realized I have no idea where to take the story from here, I decided a stand alone one-shot would do just fine.

Queenofthecapes - in my mind this story takes place somewhere near the end of season 1 or beginning of season 2, depending on whether Lex should be a factor or not. But basically, Lous and Clark havr known each other long enough to be best friends but they aren't dating yet. Really though, it could take place anytime before she knows his secret. I just like it better before they are dating so Lois doesn't have any real cause to be overly angry at him.

As for continuing - I really haven't come up with anything beyond Lois writes the story and Clark comes to her window later but none of that is fleshed out even in my mind. I won't be writing anything more unless I can see a clear plot going somewhere or even just another complete scene.