This whole series really breaks me. You convey so much in these snapshots.

"Are you a friendly tiger?"
"NO! I am a MEAN tiger, and I'm going to EAT all of you!"
Well, naturally. I love the way you captured this chaos - kids always tend to go for the high drama! lol

Clark smiled at the pair, his eyes dancing.
It's really sweet that even if he can't remember it, he's really still very much himself at heart.

At the time, he'd been incredulous that she hadn't seen it. Lois had been ready to dismiss it as a kiddie film, just as she'd been ready to dismiss her partner as a naive farmboy. In truth, she had underestimated both.
I loooove this, both the parallel you're creating and the satisfying end to this paragraph.

At the time, she'd thought that maybe watching his favorite movie would make her feel closer to him somehow.
This is such a realistic insight into grief, particularly the breakdown/rejection of it when it doesn't work.

Lois looked over and saw the familiar, faraway look in his eyes. “Clark?”
He gasped. “...air…”
Ugh, yes, this kind of thing always happens at the most mundane or unexpected times.

She squeezed his hand again. “You have, but it's okay if you don't remember.”

So much melancholy wrapped up in this! Really lovely look into this universe.