Originally Posted by bakasi
This is such a lovely setup. Lois rehearses with Clark and prefers dancing with him over her dance with Superman. I loved that she figures out his secret only after she admits to Clark that he is more important to her than her crush on Superman.

I'm guessing Toomi.

Awww... I'm glad you liked the reveal. Thanks!

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
What a fun way to do the reveal. I always thought tha tdancing thing from 2x05 needed some kind of continuation so yeah, why not like this? And then Clark being "in on it" like that with Perry made me laugh. Yeah, having Superman as a partner for the training can have its own pros and cons, doesn't it? This was a nice waff bit, fun to read.

Guesses...There's only two authors I know here who do the first-person-POV, and then even in present? I think Bakasi is out - somehow doesn't feel like her - to that keeps me stuck with...Toomi. I'll log that in.

I'm glad you liked it. I really wanted to do more with Lois trying to figure out how to dance from the book but it stopped being funny and just sort of dragged along. Thanks for the great prompts! This fic was not in first person but I kept slipping into it and having to rewrite chunks until I gave up and just ran with it.

Originally Posted by KSaraSara
This story was great! I think Toomi wrote it! I'll be back later with better fdk!
Originally Posted by KSaraSara
Ahhh!! I so love these tropes! Lois gets roped into something and it turns out in her favor. Heehee! Gosh, you did so well with keeping the secret in a believable way. And GAHHHH!! I just love how Lois has all the feelings about both Clark and Superman . . . and how the reveal came out!! Well done!! clap clap

What made me guess Toomi? The first person POV was a hint . . . I think only me and Bek are the other ones doing that consistently. This was hard, though! I did think it *might* have been bakasi. I think this one was the hardest to guess, and I used elimination to get me there!

Sara smile

Lol! I'm glad you enjoyed, and I'm so glad it wasn't full of my normal errors so you had to work to guess it wink

Originally Posted by SuperBek
Ahh, loved this!! So sweet (I'm a total sucker for dancing!)


My guess: Toomi8 cool

I think you've mentioned a few times you're a sucker for the dancing scenes.... I'll have to remember that for any future prompts... or would that give me away?

You guys won the prize by guessing the author. Thanks again!