BlindPassenger- thanks for the long review. I won't reply to everything because... Well you'll just have to wait and see.

Jon and Jor - yes there was some Superman & Lois influence there. I really enjoy the show. It's the second best Superman show IMO (L&C is first). However, though the names are the same (and yes, Jor will end up going by Jordan for school purposes and such but he'll mostly stick with Jor) S&L was not my primary inspiration for their names or characters.

I decided to go with the name Jon because it is the most common name used for Clark's son. Even without Clark there, I feel Lois would want to take his feelings into account when naming their son and she also loves Clark's parents and feels Johnathan is an appropriate namesake. Jon is most directly based off of his counterpart in the Rebirth comics and the Battle of the SuperSons movie. I especially love his character in the movie - he's so optimistic and enthusiastic for life in general. He has his angsty moments but bounces back quickly and he LOVES that his dad is Superman. I feel that, even without his father's direct influence, Jon would develop something of that same personality - especially with his grandparents influence in the mix. And Lois, thinking Clark had been killed or otherwise prevented from ever returning, tried to tell Jon all of the great things about his father. Naturally, Jon is super excited to finally meet the man he's heard so much about.

As for Jor - I'll cover exactly why he was named Jor in the story, though it's mostly obvious. As I already revealed, he has been raised to be a leader on New Krypton and Clark had very little say in any of his upbring for this and other reasons. He is definitely going to have the hardest time adjusting and eventually his emotions are going to break through his walls. In the end, he is still a 9yo boy and he's been through a lot.

Jor is going to be a personal challange for me though. I'm having trouble getting into his head and finding the right balance between his Kryptonian upbringing and who he really is underneath all that. Hopefully I can write him well enough that he doesn't seem to have a completely split personality.

Jon and Jor are polar opposites and this will come to play in the story. Thier relationship will have a lot of trials as well. Jon will have a big part to play in helping Jor get used to Earth and breaking through his walls.

Lois is going to learn the truth about what happened on NK soon enough. Clark is really just waiting for the boys to go to bed. But even after learning the truth, she still has a lot to process. She is over the moon at the moment having Clark back, but reality is going to come crashing down soon enough. She had given up on him ever returning. She is used to parenting on her own and now has to reintegrate Clark into their lives, plus adding Jor into the mix. As much as she'd like to pick up where they left off, it won't be that simple.

We'll be switching to Lois' POV in chapter 2, so we'll get more of her thoughts on everything there. I was actually going to end chapter 1 right when Clark said yes to Jor being his son but then I realized that I wouldn't be able to cover Jor's little outburst from Lois' POV since she doesn't know Kryptonian.

Posting-wise, I mostly go with a post-as-they-finish kind of flow, so I won't have a set day to add chapters but my goal is to post at least once a week. If I fall behind, feel free to bug me.

I have the first 9 chapters loosely outlined so you can expect regular updates for at least that long. So long as I don't hit a writers block or RL doesn't interfere, I hope to keep it up beyond that.

Last edited by AmandaK; 01/12/24 10:02 AM.