I love the ethereal angst of this whole beginning! And the way the information sort of unravels and deepens in the details in the beginning is SO well done. It really holds the tension, too, the way it keeps subtly changing on you as you learn more.

She was starved for his touch. And the gray sky and pouring rain just increased her need for comfort.
Ugh, I'm already heartbroken!

The moment he’d gone limp in her arms still haunted her.
shock I cannot imagine the panic.

He’d almost been killed because of her, because someone had planned Superman’s death to take revenge on her.
And I'm totally fascinated that someone went after Superman as punishment for Lois - this feels like such a turn from the usual issue they have!

Again her gaze darted toward him. Lois only dared to breathe as she saw his chest rise and fall.
This is so evocative. And right on the money, too. I've been here and it's a terrifying place to live.

Clark gave her hand a gentle squeeze, sending a rush of warmth through her. It settled her frayed nerves. The tension bled away, leaving a sense of comfort she'd only ever felt with him.
True love. love

He smiled for her.

FOR her. That's just so well crafted to express the nuance here.

This weekend is only going to be you and me and…”
....AND??? blush

Her back ached to feel the comfort of his hand, but it never came.
Wut? OMG, no. Speaking of heartbroken...

His eyes were begging her not to give up on him, to push through all the lines of resistance he was building up around himself.
If anyone would understand this -- and have a stunning example of how to deal with it -- it's Lois for sure. This whole section was beautifully worded.

And of course he wouldn’t just assume that she was okay with intimacy without asking her permission first.
Such a well-packaged character description!

He was so sweet, but sometimes such a moron.

Without really thinking about her next step, Lois silenced him with a fierce kiss. He stumbled back and lost his balance. They tumbled onto the bed.
That's one way to try and end an argument! lol

I wouldn't know how to live without you, Lois.
Just stab me in the heart.

“Sorry, I’m making you all wet.”
She blinked in confusion until it dawned on her that Clark had only dried her, not himself.

Thank you for saving me,” he whispered.
Aaaaand I'm dead. That is such a spectacular ending note.

This story just does such a great job of really delving into why Clark would have trouble staying with someone and putting them in danger. Because you actually have them talk about it in a mature, adult way, I feel like I finally get why this is such a stumbling block for Clark, and why he's so at war. Superman can't let anyone remain in danger, and since this is 'because of him,' he's fighting his own nature. Really well executed.

Also, I gotta give some love to whomever crafted this prompt: Don't want: A plot Well played!!