The In-Between Moments is a series that rewrites, elongates or adds scenes. Most of them take place in between major plot moments. Some of them slip easily into the ongoing canon, while others roll right into an alternative universe. They’re all one-shots, usually plot bunnies that strike when I’m supposed to be working on something else. They're short, not connected, and in no particular order -- and they usually have happy little endings.

This is easily the silliest mush I’ve ever written. I think it’s something that I needed that day, more than something that the world really needed, lol. But I got interested in exactly what’s happening in Lois’ brain as she gets emotionally tugged around by both Clark and Superman. For someone who jumps in without checking the water levels (Super included), she’s really quite waffly and indecisive about Clark from one moment to the next. We all know why - but she doesn’t.

Troy is inspired by a real human. Fellas, don’t be Troy. Ironically, no one takes him seriously.

Usually I’m all for asking for critiques in the feedback, but this one won’t stand up to any application of logic. So thank you for being graceful about things like nonsensical time zones (which are flat out impossible here), the short-story amount of details (yes, there really was a rescue before he picked up that torte, lol), and other general bendy rules of the universe, etc. I will take a pat on the back for the title, though - since Lois is both on a blind date at the beginning, but ends the story blind to whom she’s on a date with (even though I think he’s acting quite a bit like a certain mild-mannered reporter there). I was SO happy about stumbling onto it, lol.

No beta on this one, so any errors are my own.

The story is located here: IBM: Blind Date

This one was really just about getting your cake and eating it, too.
Thanks in advance for any feedback!
Happy holidays, and enjoy the fluff.