Omg, so good! Thank you for writing this! I found myself wanting to quote so many things, but it's hard to do that on a phone. This one line though:

One day they’re baiting you with a great TV show that tells a unique story with an amazing cast, and the next day they’re cancelling it and ripping it all away without so much as a half-hearted apology...
LOL! Superman, don't lean on the fourth wall like that: with your strength, you might accidentally break it! XD

Oof, Mayson...what was she even doing there?! I know, you implied it was a favor to somebody, but yeesh, that woman!

I'm half curious what would have happened if the audience had set him up with Cat. XD. Actually, wait, I don't want to know. o_O

Anyway, a lovely story with a lovely ending, and I like how it all tied back together with Lois preparing questions for her own Bachelor number one. wink

Most excellent! ^_^
