This is so well written, and not an easy scene to write either! I like this ending much better! It's funny, I open a fic and I think I know L&C, but every time I read a new story I feel like I get to know them even better. That rings especially true here as I definitely got new and just deliciously wonderful insights into their relationship with this story!

favorite lines:
“She could walk into a room for the first time that day and he’d make her feel like he knew exactly what was going on in her head. He was always the first person she looked at when new information hit the newsroom, banking on him sharing her reaction, or at least being at the same level, even if he had a different take. And he was always ready to anticipate her when she did something that everyone else judged erratic or spontaneous.”
I LOOOOOVE this insight!! All the feels!!!!!

“They used words as play things between them, to joust, to tease, to paint the world they saw together in a story. But they needed precious few words to really communicate.”
ACK! Melt!

I love that when he gives her one of his “megawatt smiles” —“When she closed her eyes, she could still see it.” UH! So good!

“The job is right, she thought. It might be dangerous, but it was exciting and challenging, too. She was good at it, and it was a way for her to really make a difference in the world”
I love this!

“Well, you’ll have to forgive me, my dear, but with your history, you can understand why I might have a hard time believing that, hmm?”
Oh this is SO perfectly Lex! I can hear his voice reading this!

“instead offering the reliable chivalry that she'd started to believe in again -- because of him.”
So true!!!

Really just wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing this!!

“I should’ve known better than to order chinese food from a place called Ralph’s Pagoda.”