I have been absolutely glued to my screen in every spare moment for days now, I love this writing and I love the more grown up version of Lois, and this AU version of Clark's life is just so fitting to him. Also, I will absolutely admit to shamelessly loving all the "Clark charms and amazes everyone" parts in particular.

This AU is so incredibly rich in detail, too. I wouldn't say that it "bugged" me in the show because I'm sure there were budget and time reasons and we got such an amazing show so I'm not complaining. But my headcanon was always that Clark/Superman did a lot more stuff like.. hero-ing in other countries, traveling, assisting scientists in deep sea exploration, help finding endangered species, fundraise and raise awareness for everything imaginable, just.. there's such an incredible breath of things to do. And I think in this story we got to see the Clark version of this- the way he helps his students, his football team, his friends, his family.. you know, not in the big-heroic-feat ways but in all the little and big ways that make a difference.

Is it me, or is there foreshadowing for the development of the Superman persona happening, if there's a next part? hm? hmmmm?