Hi Bek!
Onto part 2 before Bakasi does her magic!

The English language, he decided, had to be the worst language he’d ever tried to learn.

But English made even less sense.
No, it’s the speakers who are to blame. You ask the woman out, she says no. Fine. And then, suddenly, she drops veils left and right and offers untold pleasures. How can you ever understand what she is trying to tell you?

Although they seemed to have a rule for everything, every rule had at least one, if not several, exceptions, none of which followed any notable pattern.
It’s meant to match the human psyche.

And they had multiple words for a single object.
For instance, both ‘Clark’ and ‘Superman’ mean the same object.

CLARK: I’m not an object.
CAT: evil
SUPERMAN: Neither am I.
LOIS: drool

A week had already passed since his father had given him his instructions, and Kal felt like he was no closer to being able to speak or understand English than when he had started learning.
That’s what they get for not socializing him with the professional caregivers. Instead, they let him run around with that Dal boy all the time. No chance to learn nuance.

“My name is Kal-El from Krypton,” he tested out loud. “I am…sixteen…years old, and I would like to pet your cat.”
Now, be very careful to always say ‘cat’ and not one of the other words that describe felines.

He did not know what a “cat” was
[Linked Image]

However, this was the first language he had been made to learn completely on his own, without anyone to help him practice.
They really should have gotten him a female professional caregiver from Earth. They have very companionable girls in Smallville and Metropolis, depending on preference.

Yet, as it rose into the sky over the distant horizon dotted with ice-covered mountains, it looked to him as huge and majestic as ever, bathing the land in a familiar reddish glow.

Again, he flipped through the book on his desk and nodded as he landed on the correct page. “Breakfast,” “lunch,” and “dinner” were the three main meals.
/Waits for this Clark to tell Lois “I’m going for a nooner. Want to come?

and that he has a special challenge for us to complete during our physical tests.
Is it already time for the ritual knife fight to the death?

He absently wondered if he would ever get used to people bowing before him.
That problem will solve itself in 20 days. Then it's up to him whether he re-establishes the practice.

And then, with great unease, he realized he would not have to get used to this, because in only approximately two more weeks,

while those in green were slaves.

He’d never been comfortable with the thought of men owning other men or women.
Nice subtlety there. Only men can own slaves.

and the ruling family in particular, currently the House of Zod, set to switch to the House of El on Kal’s twentieth birthday,
Yeah, that’s gonna go over well. The entire planet’s gonna go kabluee first before that’s gonna happen.

Kal frowned as he took a small bite of the brownish vegetable in his bowl, its slippery texture familiar and yet unappetizing at the same time
I’m not gonna draw parallels between the slaves prepping the food and Kopi Luwak.

He had already been working with his preparatory advisors and a few current Council members on a plan to shift to paid labor in all sectors, including agriculture and textiles.
He’s gonna wreck the planet’s economy!

And, working with his advisors, he had come up with a solid plan to phase out slave labor all together over a ten-year period.
Creating a large group of disenfranchised poor people who have take menial jobs to earn a meager existence.

Say, is he gonna get rid of concubines next?

KAL-EL: Why would you want nubile females tend to your needs when you got male companions to train with?

But on Earth, he had learned, men and women and children could eat together, attend teachings and exercise together, and spend leisure time together.
Depends on where he lands.

Women were also important members of society, including scientists and leaders.
Depends on where he lands. And sometimes they make up stories at the behest of their make superiors.
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

He blinked, trying to imagine the room half filled with women or girls his own age, and he unconsciously tilted his head a bit as he wondered how that might change things.
He’s so going to have problems when he meets Earthen girls. Never had any contact with women beside his mother.

, and a large, round press lowered down from the ceiling, stopping as it reached Kal’s hands.
Ooooh. Fun! It really is like tensile strength testing of materials.

The whole training montage mixed with English was great fun!

. For a climb to count, you cannot use your legs to assist you.
Now, that’s mean!

I am starting, Kal told himself in English. And then, he heaved himself up off the ground, holding his legs up at horizontal, and commenced his climb.
Hey, no cliffhangers! It’s much too dangerous, leaving the next first lord dangling in a rope!

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.