“I just want to get this right the first time, because I’m not sure I’ll get another chance,” he blurted out. “This - you - I’d never imagined that anything like this was possible. I mean, even before my powers went completely out of whack I never expected I could tell anyone who I really am and have them be okay with it. I never imagined I could tell anyone that I’m an alien and not have them look at me as if I grew a second head and a spare set of arms.”

She grinned. “As far as I can tell, you grew no extra appendages. Though Houdini might appreciate it if you did because the poor dog is still waiting for you to pet him.”

Ahhhhh! I love this! FEELS!

Clark gave her a brief shrug. “The whole story or just the gist of it?”

She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “You really have to ask?”

He laughed.


Clark wondered if he’d ever felt this at ease. Any remnants of the tension that had made him so restless was gone. He picked up her heartbeat that was a welcome addition to the sounds that surrounded him - the gentle breeze of the wind, the soft sounds of pleasure that now and again escaped Houdini’s throat.

GAHHH!! I love this!!

… off to read the next part…

Sara smile

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